Wednesday, July 5, 2017

the fourth of july & some backyard camping

Yesterday was the 4th of July! Aka, a day that Byron did not have to work, wooh!

Avery has been asking for a couple of days for us to set up our new tent since we had mentioned backyard camping. Byron took the liberty of putting it together in the morning so that we were able to spend most of our afternoon hanging out in and discussing plans of camping in the future, possibly the near future? I have actually never been camping so the thought of hanging out by a river all day, roasting smores over a camp fire at dusk and waking to fresh mountain air first thing in the morning sounds SO appealing and I refuse to entertain the idea that camping (with 3 small kids and a puppy) is hard! So, no bubble bursting allowed.

We also grilled out and picked up some sparklers so that I could watch Avery hold one....very anxiously. After dinner (and a big piece of apple pie with a big scoop of ice cream for everyone) we went on a family walk on our neighbor's driveway and the kids did not fight a bedtime that was a little earlier than usual. It is pure bliss when it is 8 pm and the big kids are asleep, ahhhh.

I did not take a single picture of our family festivities but I did manage to get this one of Byron and Aspen during our backyard camping adventures while I was playing around with my camera. Like her mama, she is a cider kind of gal.

Okay, and I also took a picture of this tomato. Because, duh, look at it! It's beautiful.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July!

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